My Highly Expressive Versification :A Coming Out Story

I need to talk to you.
Have you ever felt like you were shoved into a world where you didn't belong?
That no matter how hard you tried you would never be the same as those surrounding you?
I have kept a secret from you for a long time.
Too long, in fact.

I know you are going to be disappointed, and that's okay.
A parent can be disappointed in their children and still love them, right?
The world is progressing and changing and I can no longer remain in this box that I have crammed myself into. 
I want to live a life that is free and to do that...I have to tell you my story.

I have felt different my entire life, and it is time to tell the truth.
To myself.
To you.
To everyone.
I am tired of living a lie and I refuse to do it any longer.

Okay, here it goes.


I am....a Democrat.
Wait! There's more.

I'm a Liberal Democrat.

Yes! Yes! 
God, that feels so fantastic!
What do you mean, what does this mean?

Well, it means:
I want politicians to stop sleeping with the NRA.
I want gun reform.
I want to live in a world where kids don't get murdered by crazy people at school.
I want my gay friends to get married and lead lives without labels.
I want to go to work at a public school that is fully funded, where maybe we can afford copy paper and Kleenex.
I want homeless people to have viable options and programs available. 
I want our government to stop ripping children out of their parent's arms at the border.
I want people in the South to realize that The United States does not have a national language, and that we've actually managed to completely break English entirely. 
Speaking of breaking, I want women to break through the glass ceiling. 
I want Universal Healthcare.
I want Mental Health Care Reform and for our Veterans to receive what they need to be happy.
I want FOX News to go away.
I want Sarah Sanders to wake up and realize that she has more inside of her than this. 

I want Donald Trump and his soft, lumpy body to slowly vanish into thin air.
Or to shoot him into outer space.
Or to permanently laser his anus-like mouth shut. 

I grieved the day the Obama's left the White House, but Barack is living his best life so it is hard to even be mad about it.
No, I don't plan on cancelling my Netflix subscription and I am pre-ordering my copy of "Becoming" because Michelle Obama has endless class and knowledge to impart on the next generation of women.

And I have to tell you this bit and you might want to sit down:
I really wanted Bernie to get the nomination because I have a soft spot for old people that don't ever comb their hair.
And I didn't really want her to be the first female POTUS, but I did want someone who had a semblance of competency to be in charge.

I've grown up in a society where the color of the dirt where you are raised - seems to predetermine what your political views are.

And that is lie that I can no longer live with.
I'm sorry that I couldn't tell you before now.

I love you.

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