
Showing posts from June, 2018

The Malignant Presidency (A Haiku) Part 3

This Presidency makes Colin Farrell movies tolerable.

The Malignant Presidency (A Haiku) Part 1

Stop! Just – please go back. 11.7.16 When we still had hope.

The Malignant Presidency (A Haiku) Part 2

I can't believe it. What's coming out of my mouth. I want George Bush back.

My Highly Expressive Versification :A Coming Out Story

Mom. Dad. I need to talk to you. Have you ever felt like you were shoved into a world where you didn't belong? That no matter how hard you tried you would never be the same as those surrounding you? I have kept a secret from you for a long time. Too long, in fact. I know you are going to be disappointed, and that's okay. A parent can be disappointed in their children and still love them, right? The world is progressing and changing and I can no longer remain in this box that I have crammed myself into.  I want to live a life that is free and to do that...I have to tell you my story. I have felt different my entire life, and it is time to tell the truth. To myself. To you. To everyone. I am tired of living a lie and I refuse to do it any longer. Okay, here it goes. Mom.  Dad. I am....a Democrat. Wait! There's more. I'm a Liberal Democrat. Yes! Yes!  God, that feels so fantastic! What do you mean, what...